What better way to love thy neighbor, than to have a PARTY!  We would love to have you as a trunk show hostess!

A trunk show is a fun way to get together with friends, get some great deals on our clothes, and help support our local business!

Here's how it goes:

  • Pick a date and time
  • Invite your friends to your home (we'll provide the invitations!)
  • We'll bring the shop! (In addition to this season's garments, we also have exclusive samples from next season's line to sell!)
  • As hostess, we will THANK YOU with a free item of clothing of your choice plus 50% off of any hostess purchases that night! 
  • For any purchases that night for your guests, we'll have a discount incentive for contributing to a LTND mission (ex: bring school supplies for Lowcountry Orphan Relief and receive 20% off Love Thy Neighbor Designs purchases)

Click here to let us know if you are interested in hosting a trunk show or if you'd like to be invited to an upcoming event!
